Saturday, April 12, 2014

Trust in You

I know it's not only me.
I see there's so much more to this life.
I feel something's missing. 
It's like the puzzle piece you never find--
God I know it's You.

You Lord fill every gap.
You take my heart and make it new. 
Now I know what was missing,
I can't believe it wasn't always mine--
God I know it's You.

You are the treasure of my heart,
I will never let You go. 
And when the times get hard,
To You I'll go and run.
You are the one who gave me life,
So now I give You mine.
God I trust in You.

You love a sinner's heart.
Though left, a heart of vacancy.
You wipe a sinner's tears
With Your mighty hand.
God I'll trust in You.

And when the time we know will come
We'll go home to You.
But for the moment,
Here and now,
We'll trust in You.
I'll trust in You.

You are the treasure of my heart,
I will never let You go. 
And when the times get hard,
To You I'll go and run.
You are the one who gave me life,
So now I give You mine.
God I trust in You.

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